Rat control Southend-on-Sea

RATS in my walls and loft

“I’ve waited nearly a year to post this review as I couldn’t believe that after over 2 years of living with Rats in our walls and loft, spending out over £1000 to another local pest control and drain company that any company could FINALLY get rid of our Rats but PESTOLOGY did ….

PESTOLOGY you are Amazing I have no words to Thank you enough, after over 2 years of hell we finally have our house back ..

Here’s my story ..

Our nightmare began in 2017 when one night we could hear scratching on the ceiling above our bedroom, after a few looks up in the loft my husband saw two large Rats running around!! We looked online and called a local Pest control firm out I had to pay £380 over the phone and was told that covered us until they got rid of our problem !! ..They came they looked in the loft laid two traps told me it was squirrels even though my husband had actually seen the rats !! and left. The problem continued but now we could also hear the rats in the downstairs walls climbing up to the loft we called them back again all they did was lay more poison in the loft after finally admitting it was rats ad not squirrels. Again the problem continued so I called them back a 3rd time was told this would be the last visit and I’d need a Drain survey !! More money another well known local company came out did the survey and we were told nothing was wrong with our drains!!.. That was it unless I paid more money but they had no answers as to how the rats were getting in … So we purchased our own poison our own traps put wire mesh over our soil stacks in the loft lived with the smell in the walls when one died and then the flies that followed until we couldn’t take it anymore..

I trawled the internet for months for people who had the same problem trying to find a solution and I finally came across someone that had used PESTOLOGY for the same problem as us so we called them. From the start we received a very professional service they took the time to listen to our problem they then sent a surveyor to survey the area and to put cameras in our drains.. I then received an extremely detailed report which fully explained what would need be done and the cost involved and photos of their findings … So there it was infront of my eyes a crack in one of the drains with a gap just large enough for them to squeeze through and enter the cavity in the walls.. They arranged for their team to come and insert Rat Blockers in the drains and proof the inside of our house ready for when the Rats needed to ‘Get out’… Normally this is carried out in two separate visits but we wanted it done the same day. Nothing was to much trouble for them they arranged a same day visit and answered all our worries and questions..

Their team arrived and I cannot praise these two guys enough they totally respected our property the proofing indoors was very thorough they were clean and tidy always letting us know what was happening and spending the time to talk to us and explain things.They were there the whole day proofing both inside and out and inserting the drain blockers. The house was left as they had found it. So that was it it was then just a matter of sitting and waiting.Weeks passed NO Scratching in the walls…NO running around in the loft NO Rats getting into the house the only thing we had was a horrific smell in one area of our living room which lasted weeks which we presume is the ones that were nesting under the property. 12 months has now passed and finally we are Rat free thanks to PESTOLOGY.. I literally cannot thank this company enough you are AMAZING !!”

Melissa Berrecloth